After a long time of inflation and bad rates Brazil is back on track. The recent crises that affected great part of the richest countries, did not affect Brazil the same way. Of course an international crises like the one which started in 2008 created an export problem for brazilian producers because of dollar devaluation. But the domestic economy was boosted by rising incomes. As all comodites are regulated by the dollar price, a decrease in the american currency rate may reduce the producers profit. But economic growth is expected to more than 5% in 2010. The brazilian banking system was prepared for the crises due to PROER 1995, a program created by FHC which prevented brazilian banks from bankruptcy. A large distribution of income provided by the currency stabilization during the administration of Fenrando Henrique Cardoso and continued by president Lula, promoted the growth of the Brazilian middle class. The continuity of social programs implemented by Cardoso during the Lula government was crucial to the economic growth experienced by Brazilians. The appreciation of the real against the US dollar reached 100% in recent years. The international reserves is of about U$200 bilhion.
Country risk has been falling consistently since 1999. Floating exchange rates and inflation targeting program created by Arminio Fraga and Pedro Malan, 1999, were the latest changes in Brazilian economic policy. In the past, an international crises inevitably affected the IMF Brazil. In a few years Brazil has come out of the condition of the debtor to creditor status of International Fund, loaning money to the fund to remedy problems of the weaker economies of Western Europe. Brazil is one of the few countries in the wolrd considered self sustainable. More reasons can be given for someone interested in investing in Brazil. Forecasts of economic growth put Brazil as the fifth largest economy as early as 2016. Brazil has expanded its international markets and trading partners and now has the giant China as its main trade partner. The pre-salt oil production guarantees and puts Brazil in the condition of the producing country.
Want more?
There are many reasons to invest in Brazil, good interest, a stable economy, a growing country and much more.
The Real Estate sector in Brazil is the fastest growing sector since 2001. The volume of defaulters has been decreasing significantly since 2005. The housing supply is not keeping pace with demand which suggests a historical aprreciation of buidings offered to this market.
The Football Wolrd Cup 2014 takes place in Brazil. 12 cities are going to host the games and among them Brasília, the planned capital. The number of acommodations in Brasíla for tourists and executives that come to the city throughout the year is not enough. Many reputable builders are building hotels, luxury apartaments and resorts to be delivered to managers of international flags. And there is still room for more. The population grew from 1.500.000 in Brasilia to almost 3.000.000 in less than a decade and is now the second largest attraction in the country, second only to São Paulo. The predictions are that Brasília will be the first pole of attraction in the country since 2012.
Come to invest in Brasília. For further information please contact Santarem - phone numbers: 55- 61- 8180 3737 / 8436 6191 / 8452 9717.
Eliomar Lopes Santarem
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